
Where Madness Lies: A Contemporary Mythological Thriller

Created by Heidi K. Allen

Enter a dangerous world of immortal ex-gods, impossibly strong assassins, mysterious cults, and ancient, devastating family secrets.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

We did it!! Thank you and next steps!
over 1 year ago – Thu, Jun 01, 2023 at 09:41:42 AM

You guys, we did it! 🙌 A huge thank you to all of you wonderful backers! 

I could not be happier with this campaign. I know I started with a modest goal, but I'm still floored to have reached over 1000% funded (!), and even more thrilling, to have reached 152 of you lovely readers!! 

Releasing this novel after working on it for so many years is exciting, scary, and vulnerable, and I'm so glad I started here. The support I've garnered with all of you is just a dream come true. Where Madness Lies has had a marvelous debut, and I can't wait for you to read it! 

To that steps!

I will send updates as we go along this process, but here's the overview:

1 - PAYMENTS Kickstarter will collect the pledges today, and then it typically takes two weeks to process and release the funds. It’s not uncommon for some pledges to fail to collect. If that happens, Kickstarter or I will reach out.

2 - FULFILLMENT Once the funds are released, I can begin fulfilling. Yay! You will soon receive a survey asking for your email address (for digital rewards), and physical addresses (if you backed physical rewards). You'll also have the opportunity to review your order details and include add-ons if you so choose. Please fill the survey out as soon as you are able so I can deliver your rewards asap!

  •  June - Digital Rewards - I will send out the digital rewards to all backers (within a day or two) of the funds releasing and survey completion. 
  •  July/August - Physical Rewards - I hope to fulfill the physical rewards to you physical backers much earlier than the campaign date of September. You will be charged shipping at about 15 days prior, and I am working on determining those rates as we speak. In the meantime, I have proofs coming from the printers to ensure the paperback and hardbacks are perfect! 

More updates to come! But once again, thank you from the bottom of my heart!  ❤️



Milestones and stretch goals!
over 1 year ago – Tue, May 23, 2023 at 01:40:05 PM


We're officially over 100 backers! I want to take a moment to acknowledge this milestone and thank each of you for your contribution to it. As fun as it was to create all the extras, my biggest hope in doing this campaign was that it would be a way for Where Madness Lies to finds its people, and it's on its way. 

Also, just as exciting, we reached (and surpassed!) the stretch goal for the Venetians character art! I updated the campaign page, but the artist was so close to finishing that I wanted to wait to send you all an official update until I had the finished product, which I just got. And you guys, HOW COOL ARE THEY? He did such a amazing job. This digital art will go to all backers Digital Deluxe and up, and the print will be available as an add-on (you can update your pledge with add-ons at any time). 

So to announce the third and fourth stretch goals: 

  • $5,500 will unlock these double-sided bookmarks with the quotes that separate the four parts of the book. You can actually get a feel for how the story progresses just from those! Digital/printable images will go to all backers Digital Deluxe and up, and physical backers will get to choose one or all of them.
  • $7500 will unlock the audio book, which will go to all backers Digital Deluxe and up! I really hope I can get this to you! I have already begun looking for a narrator, so if there are any of you that have recommendations for narrators you enjoyed listening to (or working with, for you authors out there), I'd love to hear them.

There are only EIGHT days left! We're in the final stretch and again I'm so grateful for your support and interest. I hope you have a lovely rest of the week!


Other Kickstarters to consider!

A deluxe, signed, limited edition hardcover of the first book in the award-winning epic grim/dark fantasy series Queen of Thieves.
Exclusive sprayed hardback editions of Hawk’s Legacy. Enter a world filled with romance, danger, and action.
Who stops cartoons when they turn criminal? MANDRILL P.I., that's who! This noir urban fantasy set in a cartoon world is like Hellboy meets Who Framed Roger Rabbit.

We're doing amazing!
over 1 year ago – Wed, May 17, 2023 at 09:26:41 PM

Hello friends! 

We're doing amazing! Thank you so much for being part of this campaign, and welcome to all you new backers! We're so close to unlocking stretch goal for The Venetians character art. The artist has been sending me updates and I love love love how they are coming together. He also happens to be one of my advanced readers, so he knows all these characters and it's been fun to see them through his eyes.

I also just had to share some book-related cuteness. My six year old daughter tucked a wee surprise for me into a pocket on the back of her homemade Mother's Day card...a little book of my book. And then I died. #adorable 

Talk soon!

Other Campaigns to Consider:

What if a high-tech game opened a gateway to the treacherous Faerie Realm? Ready Player One meets ancient faerie lore and enchantment!
Imagine a past much like our own, only the myths and sagas of Norse legend are all true. Vikings, wizards, and trolls. Oh my.
Dive into this portal fantasy and discover how falling can be the first step to a new life.
Luxe special edition hardcover omnibus. A world of enemies to lovers, wicked sorcerers, scheming courtiers, and fierce heroines.

New Stretch Goal - More Art!
over 1 year ago – Fri, May 12, 2023 at 08:29:27 AM

Hello Backers! Happy Friday! I just wanted to let you know we smashed through the first stretch goal earlier this week, and everyone who backed physically is getting the stickers! Yay!

So this is to announce the next stretch goal - if we hit $4,500 we'll unlock the artist's rendering of the villains - The Venetians. And we're already getting close! Here's the artist's early sketch to give you an idea. I'm so excited, I love them already. See the Stretch Goal section of the campaign for more info.

Thanks so much for your support! Please spread the word if you can!  

Other Campaigns to Consider

Love the premise of this YA fantasy. 

Love post apocalyptic stories!

And what a cool cover for a romance suspense novel!

Kickstarter Loves Where Madness Lies!
over 1 year ago – Tue, May 09, 2023 at 12:39:23 PM

 Where Madness Lies is a "Project We Love"! 

I know I just messaged yesterday, but I had to again today because it happened! In addition to what has already been an amazing launch, Kickstarter has given special recognition for this campaign! Many of you know I was shooting for this, and I'm super excited to have achieved it.

According to Kickstarter: "We’ve selected Where Madness Lies as a “Project We Love,” which is our way of highlighting brilliant examples of creativity." They will also feature my campaign across Kickstarter, so this is a whole bunch of yay.

I couldn't have done this without you all - thank you so much! 

Other Campaigns You Might Like!

How beautiful is the artwork for Cassandra's Castle? 

The premise for this YA fantasy adventure sounds cool.

 And love the covers for this YA Fae series that just launched today!